Stays gift pack
Give unforgettable experiences

Stays gift pack

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Advantages of booking on the official website
Delight your senses

Enjoy an exquisite getaway

A perfect gift so you don't have to worry about anything.

This experience includes two nights of accommodation with buffet breakfast, lunch or dinner included and parking.

You can select from our menu, an appetizer, a main course and a dessert. Includes bread, mineral water, a bottle of wine (recommended options) and coffee.

*Dishes with a symbol have a supplement.

**Offer limited to availability.

Book now
Enjoy an exquisite getaway
Enjoy an exquisite getaway

Do you want to reserve a gift voucher or have any questions, queries or suggestions?

Fill out the following form to reserve your check and/or contact the Hotel Galena Mas Comangau. We will respond to you as soon as possible.