Legal texts

Responsible Tourism Commitment

Begur, April 7, 2024

As the Director of Hotel Galena Mas Comangau, I am pleased to present our Responsible Tourism Policy, which reflects our strong commitment to sustainability and environmental preservation. This policy will be communicated permanently to all stakeholders involved in our operations.

We embrace the values and objectives of Biosphere, a leading organization in sustainable tourism. We will implement the improvement plan developed by our hotel, in line with Biosphere’s guidelines, always striving for the highest levels of quality in environmental, social, and economic management.

Our commitment is to follow the principles outlined in the World Charter for Sustainable Tourism, promoting responsible practices in all our tourism activities and advocating for cultural diversity and the protection of natural heritage.

We will minimize the negative impacts of our facilities and activities while implementing measures to reduce natural resource consumption and waste generation. Additionally, we aim to maximize positive impacts, such as creating local employment opportunities and supporting the regional economy.

Continuous improvement in all areas related to sustainability—social, cultural, economic, and environmental—is our goal. We will evaluate our performance and set improvement targets accordingly.

Our ongoing objective is to ensure the satisfaction of our employees and clients by listening to their feedback and suggestions. By adapting our practices and services, we aim to build a more sustainable future for our establishment and the community in which we operate.

I sincerely thank all individuals who have aligned with this policy, and I look forward to working together to achieve responsible and sustainable tourism at our hotel.


Miguel González (Director)

Hotel Galena Mas Comangau